If you’d like to unlock hundreds of hours of fresh workout content, hundreds of recipes, personalised workout and meal plans to help you achieve your goals, sign up to premium on the LEAN app for just 30p/ 45 cent per day. Best for Beginners: Sworkit Best for Weightlifting: JEFIT Workout Planner Gym Log Best for Meditation: Headspace Best Complete Strength-Cardio Program: AARMY Best for Quick Workouts: The 7-Minute Workout Best Overall : MyFitnessPal Sign Up Now Key Specs Pricing: Free to download and use premium subscription costs 19. All of the workouts are free and can be accessed on YouTube and also one free workout on the LEAN App.There’s also 15+ pieces of free content on the LEAN app for you to check out. It’s time to celebrate with our LEAN 7 Day 3 Million Guide.

I love you all more than you could imagine. Over the past 16 months we have grown from 30,000 to 3 million subscribers! Thank you for being part of this incredible journey, familia. I found you, and you found me familia, and I couldn’t be more grateful. But I was determined to find you and help you all! Despite the periods of doubt and considering going back to my day job as a Physiotherapist, I didn’t give up. So that you can easily find them, all your downloaded workouts are available in a dedicated Download Workouts section under My Workouts on the main Fitness+ screen. I would spend a full day filming, editing and uploading each workout, and it would get just a few views. Alternatively, there’s a green download button under every saved workout in the My Workouts section. It was so much graft, and I felt like I just wasn’t having my ‘break’. It took 3 years of uploading to grow our familia to 30,000 subscribers.